Kudos to You!

Image courtesy of www.eastjrhighbands.blogspot.com

I was saddened when I read this comment that one of our readers left after reading one of the stories. She wrote:
"Haay, this blind item hit so close to home. Yep, been there, done that. :(

The mom of my daughter's classmate had the gall to go after my hubby. This is a blind item in its own right, since she is a commercial model. She's got tons of endorsements. Her hubby is a businessman as well, but is rumored to be gay. 

I sooo wanted to get back at her, but I sure do know that it takes two to tango, and knowing my hubby's track record, she is not the only one to blame. And I refuse to destroy another family, the way she attempted to destroy mine. Besides, I think she has much to fear with the news of CS coming out with an expose.

Ok, I digress."
My message to this reader:

I admire you for bravely posting your comment. I know what you went through was very painful. My heart goes to women like you who have to endure such tragedies in life. I am happy that you can now talk about it freely because this means that you have overcome the test. KUDOS to you! We are all proud of you.

My best girl friend also has a similar story to tell. Her traumatic story with her former husband is one for the books. I will share it with you one of these days. As her best friend, I try my best to support her in all of her decisions. She has two little beautiful daughters and it is sad that they have to grow up without a father.

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