NAWALT and You

From Urban Dictionary:

acronym for 'not all women are like that.'
Repeated endlessly by women to men in hopes that if men hear NAWALT frequently enough, they'll believe it.

The reality is that all women ARE like that (manipulative, abusive, sociopathic, destructive, drama-oriented, liars).

The acronym NAWALT has its origin in the belief that women as a collective are complicit in the implementation of injustices against men during the last 40 years. As you can see from the more commonly used meaning above, it's come to signify the degenerate nature of all women, on all fronts.
If you are interested in learning Game strictly to get beautiful women into bed, you may find that subscribing to this broader meaning does not interfere with your objectives. Indeed, it may inure you to the "collateral damage" that may occur if a woman catches feelings for you.
As a blogger who writes about relationships, and appreciates the potential of Game for its ability to increase the pool of eligible men, I would point out that swallowing this particularly bitter pill will disqualify all women as unworthy of your love and trust. If your goal is to find a partner worthy of you, then you must be disciplined about evaluating women for character.
There are some ways in which all women are the same, i.e. "like that":
1. All women share a biological imperative to reproduce, with complementary strategies for short- and long-term mating. Social dominance is a key attraction trigger for women, as it implies a man's ability to garner power, and therefore resources.
2. All women under 40 have been raised in the feminist era, and have benefited from its changes with respect to opportunities in education, the workplace, and state assistance.
3. All women under 40 have been raised in a highly materialistic and consumerist culture.
4. All women under 40 have witnessed a weakening of the American family, due to a reshuffling of gender roles, the "divorce as emancipation" meme that came out of the Women's Movement, and declining rates of marriage and childbirth.
5. All women born after 1955 grew up with a media that found the feminist goal of fully unleashed female sexuality extremely profitable. Hypergamy swept the population as women started gunning for the most desirable men, having learned that shedding clothes invited male attention and validation, even if temporarily.
6. All women educated since 1990 or so were subjected to specific curricula designed to enhance their self-esteem, and close the perceived academic gap with boys. (The boys, meanwhile, were subjected to a realigning of standards in schools to reward strictly female ways of learning and behaving.)

Obviously, men have been exposed to precisely the same trends, but have responded very differently. They were not coddled as women were, into believing in the precious gift of their unique "specialness." The corresponding effect to the "men are delaying maturity" theme, recently written about by Kay Hymowitz and others, is the explosion of female narcissism. Once believed to be a personality disorder primarily displayed by males, it's now 50/50 (and rising).
It's no wonder that many men believe that there are no good women left, at least not in the U.S. If, despite everything, you hope to find a woman partner, then you must:
1. Abandon blaming the female collective in your personal life.
2. Learn how to discriminate between worthy women and narcissist head cases.
While it's tempting to bemoan the state of the American female, in truth we reside on a spectrum of beliefs, attitudes and characteristics. Once a woman has crossed your threshold of physical attraction, it's your responsibility to evaluate her full character. I suggest the following approach:

Personality Traits

Personality is thought to be about half inherited, half acquired. The acquired traits depend on a host of factors that you needn't worry about. If her family life was terrible, it will show up in her personality. If she's been highly promiscuous, it will show up here. Her behavior will tell you everything you need to know. The frequent advice to ignore what a woman says in favor of what she does is excellent. Take people at face value - that applies to both sexes.
The dominant psychological model for evaluating personality consists of the Big 5 primary traits:
I. Openness - desire for new experiences; curious vs. cautious
II. Conscientiousness - self-discipline; preference for plans vs. spontaneity
III. Extraversion - tendency to seek out stimulation, and the company of others
IV. Agreeableness - compassionate and cooperative vs. self-interest
V. Neuroticism - emotional instability
A woman with a high degree of openness, low conscientiousness, high extraversion, low agreeableness and high neuroticism?
Related:54% Fatties
Every man's nightmare. (Note: it is precisely this male profile that succeeds so well with women.)

The last 40 years have seen a dramatic increase in the acquisition of undesirable traits. In addition, recent research indicates that about 25% of the population has a mutation on the D4 dopamine receptor, leading to high impulsivity, high risk-seeking, and a high desire for novelty.
Look for women who:
  1. Are interested in and open to new experiences, but not reckless. They pursue a variety of independent interests. They don't throw caution to the winds. They are moderate drinkers. They weigh novelty vs. consequences.
  2. Demonstrate self-discipline. They have a strong future time orientation. Fitness and spending habits are two good clues.
  3. Enjoy interacting with others but have no need to be the center of attention. Beware a woman who always wants to go out, who can't get enough of the party scene. Rule out women who dress extremely provocatively or flirt shamelessly.
  4. Actively display kindness and compassion. They take turns paying or reciprocate generosity with effort. They demonstrate appreciation for good treatment. They like men.
  5. Are not psycho bitches. Any woman who loses control, yelling, crying, having a tantrum, is not a suitable relationship prospect. Yes, we get upset, but men tolerate far too many female histrionics in the belief that we're all like that. Don't feed that beast.
The women who meet these criteria will not be the ones who are grinding in a bar. They will not have the showiest online dating profiles. You will most likely need to employ day Game, which is challenging.
The SMP is in a state of extreme dysfunction. Those looking for more than a casual hookup will have to navigate the treacherous landscape in a systematic and deliberate way. There are good women out there - Spacebunny and myself are just two examples. :)
  • Don't give women a free pass. Make them prove their worth before you invest any emotional resources.
  • Display a low tolerance for unattractive behaviors. Reward only desirable behaviors.
It's not romantic, but after 40 years of social re-engineering, some pragmatism is called for.

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