On teaching Game

Are you asking yourself: "Is my son to young to learn Game?"

Depends on your definition of Game, using the definition of Game that this website is devoted to, then no. If you are not a natural alpha and honest enough with yourself to realize this, then now is the perfect time to teach your son Game. Learning Game together is like changing your first alternator or building a porch with Jr. It becomes a life-changing memory that will be remembered by both father and son for many years to come.

Game is about confidence and interacting with others, to position yourself in a better social slot which gains you the benefits of respectful interaction with mankind. Their respect not necessarily yours, as it doesn't need to go both ways. I believe it is never to early too teach boys how to be men, as many of us learning Game were never taught to be men. If you are interested in learning Game as a self-confessed non-alpha, chances are high that you did not have a father like Winston Churchill or if you did he wasn't around enough for you to learn to emulate him. If you didn't win the genetic lottery and have a natural alpha for a father, what medium was going to teach you to be a leader? Every week news comes out that bloodies the hands of our elected leaders. Hollywood train wrecks are a dime a dozen. TV is filled with eunuchs and homosexuals, school is filled with a double portion of feminist nonsense. Church? Maybe, but it is rare to find a parish without emasculated doctrine.

So, dads, it is time to break the cycle.  Your father wasn't a natural alpha and consequently you are not one either. I challenge you to teach your sons Game as you learn the same. Am I recommending working Roissy routines with your son in tow. Maybe, but I don't think this will work well with the judge at the next custody hearing: "I like it when daddy picks up hot chicks at the grocery store"

In order to become a leader, one must overcome fear. Much of the debilitating inner voice that prevents the non-alpha from acting in social situations comes from fear. I am aware of two ways to get past fear: nuke it, or overcome it. Few choose to overcome fear with the nuclear option as it is usually a result of a traumatic experience, which no father would wish on his son. That leaves the other option of helping your son overcome his fears with support. Do not confuse coddling with support.

Since I began playing with Game and its applications, I have continued to look for opportunities to teach my son behaviors which avoid the mistakes that I made. Here is a recent example that proved useful, hopefully it will inspire your own creative juices and enable you to pounce on similar opportunities.

My son and I were at one of our favorite restaurants and my son asked me a question that would impact the way he ordered his tacos next time we ate there. I knew the answer but my teaching moment light bulb turned on. I told him I wasn't sure and sent him over to ask the gal wiping down tables. He tried to back down and no longer desired the answer, (a delta just like his Dad, I will fix that).  I helped him fix his specific question in his mind then nudged him and sent him over. He received a typical Trixie response, she gave him the brush off and went on to do something else. He shrugged and shuffled back to our table, dejected, a delta chip off the old block.  I spent the next five minutes coaching him on how to project an attitude of importance.  (Preaching at myself with twice the intensity.) The time to leave arrives, I remind him of his unanswered question and announce he is going to get an answer. We walk up to the same girl and I planted myself physically in her presence with my body language projecting "Serve me now!" She responds with a "Can I help you?", I smile and open for my son "My son has a question." He steps up and asks. No more dejected son. No more delta future for my son.

The benefits of teaching your son game are multiple:

1. Break the cycle, all your sons grow up to be alpha or beta.
2. Witness your younger self and how many of your own action-killing fears were generated in youth.
3. No loving father consistently fails with his son's future on the line.
4. Provides an additional powerful and motivating force to learn Game.

Teaching your son game is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give him. I do not intend to denigrate anyone by closing in this way: if our fathers would have possessed the capability to teach us these skills, they would have taught them to us.
 - DJ

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