Despite no evidence, despite the fact that she is obviously a troubled woman, despite other attempts by her in the past to accuse people of hurting her in some way, despite her own admissions of wanting to sue others still, despite my son’s spotless record and the support of myriad women who have known him for years, the state has chosen to pursue this “case.”It's always fascinating how few women can understand the larger societal realities until it comes to affect them personally in some manner. This woman spent literal decades working to advance the very thinking that has placed her son in jeopardy, and only now is she suddenly open to the possibility that a woman might, on occasion, be less than perfectly honest.
If you think that women don’t lie to get back at men, how naive can you be? Yet we live in a culture of “women don’t lie,” a culture fostered by women’s groups since the 70s. A culture I helped create and support. A philosophy I believed.... But who is going to protect our sons? We who were on the front lines in the 70s when things were bad for women, we have raised good sons. Men we are proud of. Who will stand up for them?
I am now appalled to think that I was one of these women who thought that women don’t lie…and where there smoke there’s always a fire. Despite having raised a beautiful son, I was a sexist. Then I started doing research. There have been studies done since the 80s citing the percentage of rape allegations that are false. Some studies say as high as 60%. People who have been dealing with this for years have tried to tell us that women do lie. But we haven’t wanted to hear.
As every player knows, women lie with brutal abandon, usually starting with themselves. Not that men don't lie, they most certainly do. But they are significantly less likely to lie to themselves. The female tendency to self-deception is one of the single most important aspects of Game to accept and master, as a failure to understand it will usually lead to significant relationship difficulties that are otherwise easily avoided. And for the would-be ALPHA, learning how to make use of that tendency is a highly useful skill.
It may sound strange to point out what most men probably believe to be obvious, but most men prone to pedestalizing either women in general or a specific woman, (which is to say deltas and gammas) genuinely believe that women are intrinsically honest by nature. It is their very innocence that leads them to become the most inveterate women haters when that innocence blows up in their faces. Whereas the ALPHA knows that women uniformly lie with some degree of predictability, is amused by it and even makes use of it on occasion, the BETA usually believes that women don't lie until the cognitive dissonance between his beliefs and the female actions he has observed become too great for the former to survive.