Previous research indicated that women are more expressive about how they feel - and tend to be ones who fall in love first. The reality, according to the latest findings by psychologist Marissa Harrison, from Pennsylvania State University in the US, is that women are actually more circumspect than men when it comes to romance.I think the average man who is not Game-savvy would likely be astounded at how cold and calculating women can be when it comes to their romantic lives. In my own limited observations, it is mostly men who have fallen head over heels on the basis of a single meeting or even a glance; a woman might well decide to have a one-night stand or a short affair with an attractive musician, artist, or waiter, but she usually knows from the start that she has absolutely no intention of falling in love with him.
The fact that women's intentions are sometimes betrayed by their biology doesn't change the fact of what those intentions originally were or the fact that a calculation concerning the man's attractivity and prospects was not performed.
This tends to support Roissy's Maxim #13: When the love is gone, women can be as cold as if they had never known you.