This Christmas, beabi will be giving away 12 beabi bags (6 pink and 6 black) designed by Kim Chiu to 12 lucky Fashion PULIS readers. To join, simply email your name and mobile number to micsylim@gmail.com with beabi as the subject line.
Each email address is entitled to one entry. Deadline of submission is on December 12, 2011 at 11:59pm (Manila time).
The names of the 12 winners will be posted on Fashion PULIS on or before December 25, 2011. Winners are not allowed to select the color of their bags. They must also pick up their bags from beabi Greenbelt Branch on or before January 25, 2012.
For Fashion PULIS readers who are not residing in Manila, you may still join the contest provided that you can assign a representative to pick up the winning bag on your behalf.
Good luck to all of you!