Compromised Safety

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Since the members of the production team of this certain reality show were ignorant of the approaching storm, they decided to go ahead with the shoot in spite of the poor weather condition. They blindfolded a few of the contestants and assigned them to one of the boats.

While the contestants were aboard the boat, waiting for it to take them to another island, it suddenly capsized and broke apart because of the wind and rain. The scariest part was that there were no other boat in sight and there was no one else to rescue the contestants.

The horrified contestants were left on their own to swim for their lives. They had to do everything possible to swim to the shore that was rather far away. It was very obvious that there was a lapse on the part of the production team and the safety of the contestants was compromised.

After this ordeal, the contestants who almost drowned to death were traumatized. The contestants in the other groups were also shocked when they learned about this. Many of them were seriously contemplating on leaving the show after the life threatening accident.

Do you know what this reality show is? How about the contestants who quit after the traumatic incident? Follow MicSyLim on Twitter to get the latest update on Fashion PULIS.

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