Game and society

Maximus bridges the male generational divide with some cogent and timely observations:
Gen X came of age as feminism and grrl power was just beginning to make its march to the apex of power it would become in the mid 1990s, but still to early for its man-hating values to wholly corrupt us and throw us into the pit of total nihilism that is Generation Zero (the Gen Ys/Millennials, anyone under 30). These young men are of another age, that of full blown feminism/secular/divorce-is-the-norm society. This group of young men generally find themselves in the Game camp and advocating passionately that it is the only option for men their age to approach life and women in the full-blown feminist blast furnace that they were cast into by their fathers. The not-quite-Baby-Boomers-but-close-enough-to-be-guilty-by-association (i.e. those men above 40 but under 55) are on the other side, the MRA camp. These men suffered the first salvos of a most brutal feminist divorce assault on marriage and the family in the 70′s and 80′s and have the battle scars to prove they were there. They were blind sided by divorce because this is a group of men that expected the same partnership and respect their Boomer fathers got from their mothers, with the caveat they would have to placate some whining/empowerment females with feminist head nods once in awhile of course to get laid. But things would be “ok” because things had “really not changed” that much after all, right? These men now know how wrong they were and are doing there best to warn the younger generation not to swallow the shit sandwich in their lunch box being offered to them today in relationship and marriage with and to a Western woman....

As a philosophy toward life, I will make clear my bias up front — I think Game and the PUA lifestyle is a misguided philosophy for man to ultimately live his life by. That said… I recognize the UTILITY of Game as a TOOL, a means not an end, to solving the problem of removing the feminist cancer that is bringing Western civilization down on its very knees. Game is the swiss army knife that will solve any problem that comes a man’s way and his biggest problem has been and always will be — handling women.

While Game, with its total and complete understanding of a female’s psychology and mating behaviour, has its successful adherents that clearly demonstrate the TRUTH of its claims, Game itself has NO AUTHORITY over what is a man, what is masculinity or how a man should rightly conduct himself on this earth.

Game… is not a philosophy of man.

This is the error Game advocates make. Much like a hammer is not a philosophy on how to build a house, what that house should look like, or why you are building a house in the first place. Game is a tool, nothing more. Game is not optimal. It will take a man in this fight against feminism only so far. Game will be the weapon of choice in the fight on the beaches for some men, but not all. Alone, Game will not take the feminist beach and move men inland to the heart of enemy territory — politics, education and that one time revered institution called “the family.” These are matters of philosophy, not utility.

Just because something is TRUE, does not make it GOOD or JUST or RIGHT in the moral sense. This is where Game advocates go right off the rails. They fail to grasp or comprehend the MORAL aspects of Game because, as a member of Gen Y, they grew up without any morals at all.
This is an excellent point and one that needs to be understood by the pick-up artists and men's rights activists alike. The two perspectives are not intrinsically in conflict, they are different, but complementary aspects of inter-sexual relations. I fully share Maximus's outlook here, not because I am also a Gen-Xer, but because I am capable of a) recognizing a real and useful tool without b) mistaking it for a philosophy of life.

Attempting to live one's life by Game is like trying to live one's life by Austrian economics or correct free-throw shooting technique. It's not wrong, it is a category error. Knowledge of Game is useful regardless of your philosophical creed, your social objectives, or your sexual goals, and it is no more immoral than knowledge of physics. As is so often the case with science, the terminology tends to be somewhat confusing as the same word applies to the theoretical and applied concepts.

(I can just hear the anklebiters wailing now. No, not more neologisms! For the love of all that is warm, wet, and willing, not more neologisms! Very well, for the nonce I shall restrain myself. But don't say I didn't warn you that it will be needed.)

I don't think it serves any particularly useful purpose for the societally-minded to shake their fingers at the pick-up artists who elect to use their Game-derived powers for nihilistic and hedonistic ends. But by the same token, the pick-up artists should recognize that they are enjoying the music while Rome is burning, and that the fires will soon consume them as well. Not everyone is up for the burden of attempting to save the West from its women and those who have used them to destroy it. But the least we can do is to refrain from hindering those heroic, quixotic men who are willing to exert themselves in such an effort.

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