What is Pinterest? For those of you who may not know, Pinterest is an online scrapbooking community where people pin and share photos of randomness such as people, places, or things. I have my own Pinterest Pin Board that I've grown an obsession over within a relatively short period of time.
According to the Wall Street Journal (yes I read it daily), people are flocking to the website. Pinterest last month attracted more than 11 million unique visitors, more than double the 4.9 million who visited the site in November, according to comScore. Those who visited spent nearly 100 minutes on the site in January, compared with 19 minutes on professional social-networking site LinkedIn, it said. The Wall St article focused more on the fact that Pinterest has not yet created a business model to make revnue like that of other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. The startup company is based in Palo Alto, CA.
The research firm said roughly 68% of Pinterest's users are women and many are in the Midwest. Users must be invited to join.
Let me know if you would like an invite to the community. I'll be more than happy to help send you a request.