It's 2A.M. on the First Day of February

I decided to create a blog for BGN.  A few months ago I started a Facebook fan page called Black Girl Nerds.  To be honest, there was not much of a story behind why it was created.  I guess you could say I wanted to see if there was a segment of the population of girls like myself.  One night I decided to "Google" the term "Black Girl Nerds".  To my surprise and disbelief, nothing came up.  The worlds biggest and best search engine on the planet could not come up with a website nor an afterthought for the term.  So I decided to give birth to the term and create a Facebook Fan Page.  The page currently has a modest amount of fans, but I was not expecting the page to receive so much love and feedback.  So tonight I made the decision to start a blog about "US".  Blogging is not a new concept for me.  I've been blogging since 2007.  However, this is really just a way to indelibly place a fingerprint on the Internet of people like me...a black girl nerd.  We do exist.

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