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A makeup artist (MUA) and two actresses (A1, A2) were talking in the dressing room in between their photoshoot. A1 and A2 are both returnees to the network. One of them already has a running teleserye, while the other has projects lined up. The other characters are PC, a politician comedian, and WC, a writer comedian.

Translated into English, the conversation went this way:

MUA: Sister, why is PC joining your show? I thought it was just you, A2, and WC?
A1: I have no idea. I got surprised myself. Ask A2.
MUA: Sister, what can you say about PC being with you in the show?
A2: Yeah! It's so cheap! I was so excited for this show but then I found that out so I lost all excitement.

Can you identify A1 and A2? Why does A2 have that attitude towards PC, anyway?

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