Want to make your own?
- 4x6 wood board (or any size you prefer)
- stain (optional, you could just leave it raw)
- paint marker or sharpie
- ruler
- square (optional)
- pencil
- sand paper (optional)
- dog helper (optional) hahaha
I picked up my 4x6 at Lowe's but you can find them at all home improvement stores or local lumber stores. Prices of wood changes so the cost could vary but a 4x6 will usually run you around $4 for a straight pine board. Of course the prices will run you more depending on the quality of wood as well. I think picking out a nice pine board piece will do this job nicely.
After you have all your supplies you will want to sand and stain your board, assuming you want to do this if not just skip ahead to the other steps. If you do plan to stain then you want to do that prior and let it dry. It will be dry within 4-5 hours but i'd recommend waiting a whole day to begin the other steps.
Once your board is ready to go then you can start making the ruler part. I took a real ruler and went down the whole board marking all of my spots with a pencil. It just made the job quicker when it came to painting my lines.
When I finally got all the marks set I went back and started painting all my lines. I used a paint marker but a sharpie would work just as well if you have one of those handy. I also used a square to keep my lines straight but if you feel like your freehand is steady go for it.
I used a pencil to freehand the numbers and then I just traced and filled them in with my paint marker. When my ruler was completely done and dry I went back and filled in my daughter's growth stats by year. If you don't have children this would still be cute as a fun and cheap art piece.
How much did it cost?
I had everything on hand except for the wood so I spent around 4ish dollars on this project, super cheap and super cute. However, if you need to purchase the wood, sharpie, and stain, etc you should still be able to do it for under $10. This, of course, will depend on the wood you buy, paint, stain, etc.
Lastly, my dog helper! These are optional but highly recommended. ;)
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