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Care to rewind about a top gun's staff member (SM) who was linked to several celebrities? The rumor mill was then abuzz with his penchant for drinking in the company of women celebs that probably made wine more exciting and addicting to him.

Recent events prove that the rumor is valid after all. SM and this once popular singer (PS) are playing sweet music together. And what do you know, such sweetness translates to some sweet government contracts, too. PS has probably grown tired of being in a "cougar-like" relationships she had in the past . Certainly nobody can live with just pretty faces and zero pockets.

Hmmm...seems like PS has grown not just financially wiser, but a lot smarter, too - just like mom.

Can you guess who SM and PS are? How long will his liason with PS last? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

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