Actions Speak Louder than Words

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When their relationship ended, the singer (S) and the manager (M) kept quiet after a confirmation via a statement from M. M has since moved on and has opted to handle the career of other talents. When asked why they broke up, M merely responded by not revealing any details and saying that they still respect each other. Meanwhile, S has been linked to a winner (W) in a talent contest, where S served as W’s mentor. Incidentally, during the finals night of the talent contest, people noticed how M reacted when W was announced as the winner. M did not bother to clap at all.

During and even after the show, S and W developed a certain closeness, which prompted the spread of the story that W is the reason why S and M parted ways. Both are denying that something more exists between them despite the exchanging of “I love you’s” over Twitter. S has also given expensive gifts to W and the followers got to know about these acts because W openly thanked S via tweets and a senior comedian even teased S about it on national TV.

An interesting observation is that the denial can be fuelled, perhaps, by the fact that W is still a minor and S might be charged with violating a law in case they both come out with a relationship. Moreover, S has produced an album for W and the sales might be jeopardized in case a scandal breaks out.

Sadly, some people have noticed that W has developed a certain arrogance towards fans. Even her family members were not spared from being swellheaded. A close relation of W had allegedly threatened a certain fan who left W’s fan club because of how W and the family were treating her followers. The fan is a mere simple laundry and cleaning woman who became the victim of lies spread by the relation of W. Alas, some netizens have taken it to be their cause to bash W and S by tweeting harassing tweets over revealing the truth, church, guilt, among others. What’s worse with the tweets is that other celebrities are tagged directly with the messages.

The recent development is that both S and W have terminated their twitter accounts after someone tweeted that they were living together. S has also advised W to refrain from going online so she will not have to read anything negative about them.

Do you know who S, M, and W are? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

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