Cookies and the Cookie Jar

As of late, I’ve seen a lot of people talking about the latest movie to hit theaters, “Think Like A Man”. Granted, I have not seen it but apparently one of the big things in the movie is the 90 Day Rule which basically states any man that is worth is weight will wait 90 days for a woman to give up her cookies. And virtually the same for women. Now…everyone has their own feelings on these rules and I’m just stating how I feel about it. Of course, I’d love to hear others opinions as well so let’s get into this!

Personally, I hate that some people try and put a "time limit" on it. If you loose in the booty, you loose. That goes for men and women alike. Now, I think that being loose in the booty (and I say this to avoid using the word “hoe” but you can say whatever you like) is a mindset. When you go out, you’re going out with the idea in mind, you’re gonna be getting some from someone that night and it doesn’t really matter who. This isn’t a bad thing per say and if this is the lifestyle you live or have lived, then do you. Just be safe and wrap it up. People are surely crazy out there. Some people grow out of this phase and some don’t. Like I said before, whatever floats your boat but be safe.

However, if it's a person you feel a true connection with and they feel the same, fuck it. Wait or don't wait. Some chemistry can't be denied. Some people just meet and click in alllllll the right ways. I was one of those fortunate few with my current boyfriend. Let me say, this is an awesome thing if it happens to you. Anywho, at this point, you two can really try and make that deeper (and by deeper I mean lower, wink, wink) level connection or continue to wait things out. See how you feel after few more dates and maybe no drinks. If things continue on a good path but it’s less than 90 days, are you really in the “wrong” for wanting to participate in the horizontal tango? I think not.

Long story short, they’re your cookies and you can do what you want with them. Don’t let society or stigmas or whatever clog up your brain to make you think you’re a bad person if you pass out your cookie after 1 night or 132 nights. At the end of the day, I can only stress to be careful out there and do what makes you happy ladies (and gentlemen)

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