DIY Stenciled Pillow


Want to make your own?

Pillow cover (I bought a pillow that had a removable cover).
Pencil (for tracing)
Letter stencil 
Fabric marker
Cardboard (or magazines worked for me... so that it doesn't bleed through the other side)

Once you have all of your supplies the how to is really simple. Pick out what you want stenciled on your pillow, trace with the pencil and fill in with the fabric marker. Easy Peasy! I didn't worry about everything being perfectly lined up, centered or straight so if you want to do that you might also need a ruler handy. Otherwise the good ole eye balling it works! :)

In case you can't see it, it reads, "Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale." I've always loved this saying and wanted to add it to my home somewhere. It fits nicely in the master bedroom. My husband and I celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary in 3 months and I definitely believe I found my prince charming. :)

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