Have A Good Friday Giveaway Winner!!!

I just want to say thanks so much for everyone who took the time to enter the giveaway.

It has been fun reading all the ways you like to pamper yourselves. A lot of you said your fave ways were bubble baths, manicures, moisturizers, and lush products. I would have to agree, I love all of those too.

I guess my fave pamper myself item would be body butter simply because I love it, especially when I can get my hubby to give me a good massage with it. hahaha! Other than that I like nice relaxing baths, at least the ones where my daughter isn't yelling at me to do this or do that or wanting to come in the bathroom and talk to me while I'm taking a bath. Fun times!!

Anyways, I know you all came to figure out who won the giveaway so on with it.

The winner is.....

Kelly G

Congrats Hun! I will be contacting you very shortly. :)

To everyone who didn't win this time around stay tuned. I plan to do more giveaways in the future.

Have an awesome Good Friday!!

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