Spending the weekend in Denver

I had hoped to have a scheduled post up for today since I've been out in Denver since Wednesday night but didn't get around to putting one together. Instead I'm just going to post and wish everyone a wonderful weekend. It is gorgeous here in Denver today but looking like rain and possibly snow (ugh) tomorrow/Sunday. We will be here until Sunday afternoon so hopefully it isn't too yucky.

What is everyone else up to this weekend? Anything fun? We went out to Estes Park yesterday but the rest of the weekend consists of meetings for the hubby minus a company party this afternoon and the banquet tomorrow night. I have a feeling the munchkin and I will be hulled up in the hotel room mostly but with the view I can deal with that. ;)

Don't forget to add one of your blog posts to the Wow Wow Wednesday here. The more participating the better. :)

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