We are very lucky. We live in a time in which it is cool to declare your geekdom. It wasn't so long ago where we had to live in secret, hiding our love of Lord of the Rings and novelty comedy songs (my love of
Flight of the Conchords is eternal). I'm glad the tide is changing, (and we are slowly taking over) but I can't help but think it would have happened faster if there were more representations of black women in the media. As of late, there is such a limited idea of what a black woman is in Hollywood and personally, I can't relate to any of the portrayals. Either we are portrayed as overtly sexy, a mammy figure, or (my personal favourite) comically angry (attitude for days). These representations are not only ridiculously inaccurate, but extremely one dimensional. As a black women I can see that these are not realistic representations, but this is what is shaping the global view of the modern black female.

With all this new found exposure,we should seek out and demand more content that reflects us. This not only means supporting projects with like
Awkward Black Girl, but taking matters into our own hands and writing our own stories. The only true way to make sure your voice is heard is do it yourself. We have to create content that is so undeniably excellent that the powers that be cannot ignore us. Moreover we have to support each others efforts.
So I propose that below in the comments we list TV shows, movies and any other projects you can think of that show the modern black female in all her varied and complex glory. Moreover to all the creative types, I'd love to hear about any projects you are working on. We need to make sure that our voice is the one shaping the future.
- Truphena Matunda