High Heels Hurt

When I was six years old, I remember walking into my Mother's bedroom closet and seeing this gargantuan array of high heel shoes that came in a variety of colors and styles.  She had everything from pink strappy heels, to clear plastic pumps, to blue sequin stilettos.  It looked like the inside of a dressing room at Fashion Week.  The odd thing is, my mother never really wore a great deal of high heel shoes that I could remember, but she had this extreme collection in her closet.  I could only suspect that she would purchase these shoes wear them for a day and leave them in her closet to collect dust for the rest of eternity.

The six year old me would go into her bedroom and try on all the pink colored pumps since pink is my favorite color.  I would walk, trip, limp, and stagger throughout the house wearing heels that were three times my size.  After many failed attempts, I would just give up and just sit down in the middle of floor and wear the heels with my legs stretched out.  I would just sit there and admire my tiny little feet in these gorgeous high heel shoes.  Playing dress up is what many of us women have done once or twice in our lifetime.  

However, as I got old enough at an age that was appropriate to wear high heel shoes, I found myself feeling deja vu from when I was six.  I still had the same stumbling pace and limp as I had before wearing shoes three times my size.  These shoes were perfectly fit as it was for Cinderella when I placed them on my feet, but yet still I could not walk in a straight line.  My walk was the equivalent of someone trying to walk a sobriety check test.  If I were judged by how I walked I would definitely go straight to jail for the offense of atrociously bad stepping while in high heels.

I figured what the hell and decided to chuck it and never wear high heels.  I made a second attempt in my late twenties while walking down the streets of Manhattan and tripped on a pothole in the middle of 5th Avenue.  I bruised my ego more than I bruised my knees and elbow.  That day the heel broke in half and I found myself walking barefoot all the way back home on the nasty NYC asphalt.  Yuck!

The reason why I'm bringing this up because I found that I don't HAVE to wear high heels to appear beautiful or aesthetically pleasing to the eyes of other women.  Let's be honest---men for the most part are not turned on by high heel shoes.  There may be a few that have a peculiar foot fetish---but for the most part, that is not why a man is initially attracted to a woman.  

I believe deeply that a woman can look beautiful and be comfortable at the same time.  There is something misogynistic about the pain and torture of wearing high heels anyway to me.  This is just my personal opinion and you can feel freely to disagree.  I just think that I can look stunning with flats or maybe even kitten heeled shoes.  I prefer flats though.  I hardly do platforms either---they remind me of a really big heel.  Just sayin.  However, if it were really up to me, I think sneakers are the best for feet.  If there was a way to make sneakers fashionable in a way that you can wear them on a fancy red carpet event or attend a church service and not get the "you-must-be-from-the-planet-Krypton" response, I would wear sneakers everywhere.  

This is just me.  A BGN that doesn't like to wear high heels---and I probably never will---unless they make a shoe that is incredibly comfortable and I can walk like a normal human being in them.

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