Is Anyone Else Tired Of "Swagger?"

So I'm on BGN this morning, and reading a recent post about nerds and swagger. For the record, I feel that the whole idea about "swagger" is a concern for the young, immature, and image-oriented (being an ex-Buddhist, I feel that I am above such inane concepts). As I read, I felt compelled--obligated really--to re-post a piece I wrote from February of earlier this year, entitled "Is Anyone Else Tired Of 'Swagger?'" complete with a voting survey.

I have taken the liberty of posting the introduction to the piece below.

Working with young people, while constantly being bombarded via the internet, television, and magazines with gossip and pseudo-news about contemporary pop culture, I often find myself wondering whether or not I am alone in being fed-up with the concept, the notion, and/or the practice of “swagger.” For the unhip among the readers, swagger is a way of wholly conducting oneself. Quite simply, it is a type of hubris—the way in which an otherwise “cool” person conducts him/herself.

Read the rest here: "Is Anyone Else Tired Of 'Swagger?'"

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