Monday Munchies: Healthy Snack Ideas

It has been a minute since I've had a Monday Munchies but I thought I would do a quick one related to healthy snacking.

In just over 60 days I will turn 30 and although I may or may not get to my "goal" weight I've set for myself, I do want to get back on track of eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. I fell off the bandwagon after we moved out here to Kansas. We've been out here a year so it's far past time. I tend to let our moves get my body out of sync. The last time I fell off the wagon was when we moved prior to this time. Ugh! Moving in the future is inevitable for us so I also need to figure out how to control that.

When you are trying to lose weight one of the best things you can do is eat small portions at least 6 times a day, not just 3 meals a day. So healthy snack options are a must.

Here are a few things I love to snack on and that are pretty healthy too.


Cheddar Snacks


String Cheese



Low Fat Yogurt


Skinny Cow Ice Cream

Low Cal Crackers w/ hummus

These are just some of the ideas I like to snack on but there are all kinds of healthy snacks out there that taste good and even better than chips, cookies, and cakes. I know when I'm standing in a grocery store trying to think of something good to snack on for the next week sometimes my brain turns to mush. It doesn't help that my 4 year old is usually running around trying to throw random stuff in the cart. haha! Hopefully these ideas can give you some healthy snack options for you.

What are some of your fave healthy snacks?


The second Summer giveaway ends tonight at 11:59 pm (CST). If you haven't gotten your entries in please do so today. :) Also a reminder of what you can win... A $25 egift certificate to Sephora or M.A.C (winners choice) or if you are a international winner (anywhere outside of the US) then you have the option of a $25 Paypal egift certificate. Good Luck!!!

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