I've met more than a few celebrities in my lifetime. I once lived in a city where I would easily run into a famous person here or there at random. Like the time I ran into Carson Kressley (Queer-Eye guy) in Times Square, bumped into
Michael Emerson from Lost, or shared a public bathroom sink with
Dianne Wiest. I once attended a Q&A film screening, and this annoying lady asking questions wearing a ridiculous hat the size of an area rug, didn't leave much time to allow anyone else to ask questions. I later found out that the loquacious lady was none other than
Faye Dunaway. Who knew?
This now leads me to share with you my awkward celebrity run-ins. I've had more than a few. It's bad enough to already be socially awkward and flustered by people in general. However, to meet someone you've seen on TV, movies, or print and meet with them face-to-face is a whole different awkward experience. Or is it? Maybe its just me.
Here are just a few of my bumbling moments with celebrities:
Tom Cruise (Ziegfield Theater - NYC - Mission Impossible 3

Now we didn't exactly meet per se, but we had a "moment". I was working the red carpet as a volunteer for a film festival and Tom came down the red carpet to promote his new movie MI:3. He approached my section of the red carpet and stopped to take pictures. He managed to step directly beside me and I asked a "handler" of his to kindly take a picture of Tom and I on my camera phone. He gladly obliged and took the photo. We looked awesome together! I was so geeked about the picture that I did a little happy dance back to the car I was driving and closed my flip phone (I had a flip phone at the time). Unbeknownst to me, I didn't know you had to save the photo first before flipping the phone closed (I just purchased the device 2 weeks earlier). I
opened up my phone and the photo was gone. Forever. No more Jamie and Tom together sitting in a tree. Or at least in a freeze frame on my LG camera flip phone.
I was so excited to be working as a production assistant on this new movie. I saw Colin Ferrell and nearly died and was in a state of distraction. My assignment was to stop traffic (people--not cars) from walking into the camera shot during filming. The director yelled action during this scene and Edward Norton walks out and does his thing---you know---act. The director yells cut and I thought the camera was stopped and the scene was over. Edward Norton was about 60 or 70 feet away from me and started waving in my direction. I looked over at him and thought, "Wow, he's actually waving to me and perhaps he either recognizes me or he's just being nice?" So I waved back at him and then I looked closer and realized his wave was not a "hi wave" it was more of a "get out of the way you're blocking the camera wave. Everyone looked in my direction as they clearly noticed that not only was I in the way of the production shot, but I was waving back like a moron thinking he was greeting me instead. Then several other crew members yelled, "Get out of the way!"
Jamie Foxx (Saddle Ranch Chop House - West Hollywood, CA)
I saw Jamie Foxx walk into a restaurant on Sunset Blvd and my BFF and I decided to stalk him when we carefully walked in several feet away from him. He was there with a friend of his, and was seated at a table directly next to the window near the front of the diner. I decided to go up to him, and I knew my dialogue towards him would be amateurish at best, but I figured what the hell. I told him the obligatory "I'm such a huge fan of yours speech". Surprisingly enough he was kind and made small talk. Uh-oh...I wasn't expecting small-talk. I just wanted him to soak up his mandatory compliment and keep it moving. There was a moment of silence and I blurted out to him what I was hoping I could keep repressed and hushed.
Jamie B: So guess what? My name is Jamie too.
Jamie F: Is that right?
Jamie B: Isn't cool that we both have the same name? It's spelled the same way too. We're like twins.
Jamie F: Uh...yeah. I guess.
AWKWARD! So those are just a few of my many many awkward moments with celebs. More to come in another blog post in the future...