The Sookie Stackhouse Novels by Charlaine Harris

I have several books that I am reading right now and just finished reading.  I have a tendency to read a number of books at once, and then it takes forever and a day to finish each of them since I choose not to focus on one book at a time like normal people do.  The Sookie Stackhouse novels  (Southern Vampire Mysteries) written by Charlaine Harris are books that are considered afternoon delights.  One book can easily be read in an afternoon (if you're a quick reader) or in less than a week (for most readers).  

I'm currently on Book 4 of 12 of the books that the HBO hit series True Blood is based upon.  Harris has a yummy, creative, and engaging way of luring readers to this story about Sookie Stackhouse and her crazy adventures with vampires, wolves, shifters, and other supernatural creatures.  I just started reading this series a couple of months ago even though I've been a fan of the popular cable show since its debut five years ago.  Why I'm just starting on these books I don't know!

I was a little surprised that the stories are just as erotic as the premium cable program.  A friend of mine who read Fifty Shades of Grey, said that the Sookie Stackhouse books are more sexually enticing than that of E.L. James' popular erotica-for-suburban-moms novels.  I actually have 50 Shades on reserve at my public library and I'm number 502 on the list.  Yowza!  I don't care to buy the book---so I'll wait patiently.

Anyway back to Sookie---if you haven't yet had the opportunity to browse this book, it's a fun read through and through.  If you're not into vampires or the supernatural it may not necessarily be the book for you, but the culminating story behind these books is the romantic relationship between Sookie Stackhouse and vampire Bill Compton.  Their undying love alone for one another makes these novels worth reading.  I think I secretly enjoy the fact that they are truly the Romeo and Juliet of their day.  They are social outcasts: Sookie--- being a telepath and Bill--- being a vampire.  However, love breaks all social barriers in their story and they have to fight humans and the undead alike to prove to the world that they belong together.  They just happen to come across some interesting adventures along the way.

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