Crushing a male hamster

As I have often had occasion to point out, Man is not a rational creature, but rather, a rationalizing one.  And in his post "Rationalizing Fornication", Elihu at Freedom Twenty-Five shows that he is in possession of a rationalization hamster capable of spinning as furiously as any woman's:
I am presently withholding judgement on the question of whether or not the bible actually condemns pre-marital sex. Depending on how you interpret various scriptures, and which Greek-English dictionary you happen to have lying around, the bible may or may not give contemporary Christian men some wiggle room that allows some compromise between God and Game.

In this post, I offer my best attempts to rationalize the peaceful coexistence of the two. If I’m right: Christian men, go forth and seduce. If I’m wrong, I hope learned men such as Dalrock, Bruce Charlton, Koanic Soul, Vox Day, Bonald, The Gentleman Poet, Patriactionary, Ulysses and ballista will set us straight.
To put it succinctly, he is wrong.  I will address each of his five rationalizations to demonstrate why.

1.  Banging a non-virgin woman with a condom doesn’t violate the biblical injunction against adultery, because you’re not actually going to adulterate any of her children. Non-procreative sex upholds the spirit, if not the letter, of the biblical injunction against adultery.

The relevant Biblical injunction is not the one against adultery, but rather those against fornication and sexual immorality.

2.  You are free to assume that any woman you bang is a virgin. If you make the (shocking!) post-coital discovery that she is not, let Deuteronomy 22 be your guide and divorce her.

This advice is applicable to Jews.  Not to Christians, whose perspective is further refined by Luke 16.

3.  In the time of Christ, marriageable women abounded. Those men who sought, found them. The world we live in is different, and requires different coping strategies.

 Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega.  He is eternal.  The world is different, but human nature has not changed on iota.  It may require different coping strategies, but that does not condone sin.

4.  Since most contemporary American women are best viewed as whores with poor negotiating skills, we have a free pass to occasionally taste their wares, so long as we don’t let our pursuit of them cross the line from idle hobby to all-consuming obsession.
The Old Testament warns against prostitutes.  The New Testament bars fornication and sexual immorality.  Christians have no such free pass.

5.  Christian sexual morality only applies to Christian women. Outsiders are fair game

Christian sexual morality applies to Christian men as well as to Christian women.  Outsiders are not fair game, indeed, their outsider status is totally irrelevant with regards to the sexual morality of the Christian.

It is understandable why some Christian men, facing religious contempt from non-Christian women and seeing nominally-Christian women indulging their hypergamy by chasing non-Christian alphas in preference to them, desperately wish to carve out some sort of exception to the Christian morals imposed upon them by God and His Son.  But Christianity is not the easy way, it is the hard and narrow way.  One can no more rationalize fornication than human sacrifice or demon worship, it is a complete impossibility.

The SMP is part of the world that Christians are called to be in, but not of.  Being in the world means it is important for Christian men to understand the reality and the principles of Game, but the existence of Game does not mean that all of the uses to which Game can be put are compatible with the Christian life.

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