Television: So freakin addictive sometimes

I've been feeling guilty lately that I've ignored my books the last week and a half and have kept eyes glued to the tube.  TV is a vice of mine that I will never be able to get rid of.  Well I guess you should never say never, but in my case, unless you stick me inside of a holding cell with no TV for several days or weeks, I may need to be committed.  Or maybe I can just cope and I'm just underestimating my willpower.

Speaking of holding a few days ago I was playing with the HBO Go App on my iPad and was browsing through the plethora of TV series that were available for viewing.  Most of the shows I've already seen like The Sopranos, Sex And The City, True Blood, and now my new favorite addiction The Newsroom.

However, there are still a ton of shows I have never seen.  The show Oz popped up on my screen and I was amazed at the fact that I still never saw the show, even though a ton of my friends raved about how awesome it was.  I decided to watch the pilot episode since I used to have a huge crush on Jon Seda and all.  I figured one episode can't hurt right?

Well that one episode turned to two and two to three and three to four and so on.  I'm embarrassed to admit I found myself locked up in my own cell of my apartment watching the entire season 1 of Oz in one day.  Eight episodes---eight hours of viewing pleasure.

I'd watch in the morning...I'd watch on my lunch break from work...I'd watch at night when I leave home from work.  It's now been three days and I'm halfway done with season 4.  I've finally decided to take a break from watching this show and blog about this addiction.  This is ridiculous...I feel like one of the junkie fiend characters from the show and I want to turn it on right now and watch another episode.  I gotta have another hit!

I've always been attracted to guy shows--not the girly ones.  With the exception of Sex And The City, I prefer to watch gangster shows like Boardwalk Empire and my favorite movie of all time is Reservoir Dogs----see the Buscemi connection?

Why is TV so freakin addictive?  From someone with a vested interest and passion in the TV/Film world, I feel like TV is my kin and that somehow I'm supposed to belong to the world of television.  I've felt that way since I was a child, which is why I told my mother I wanted to become a news anchor when I grew up.  Then I told her I wanted to become an actress, then I finally decided to pursue film making.

Unfortunately, I have yet to achieve those dreams, but I do know one thing.  I LOVE ME SOME TV!  I just cannot get enough of it.  Now that the Fall season of TV is starting, I look forward to my Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and Revenge coming back.  Sometimes I wish I could just get paid to sit and watch TV all day---I'd totally be a millionaire.  

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