Did Mom Know Best?

While the public seems to side with the obedient daughter (OD), her mother (HM) has been portrayed negatively in the press and among the fans of OD. HM allegedly refused another movie of OD with cute hunk (CH) for non-disclosed reasons. Watchers can only speculate why HM refused, but all fingers pointed to her non-approval of the alleged growing real life romance between OD and CH. Thus, any emotional outburst of OD while singing is always interpreted as her silent sadness due to the decision of CH to get out her life.

Every so often, stories about CH’s alleged girlfriend down south would crop up. CH would deny that he has a girlfriend, and not respond to the issue between him and OD. Because of his popularity, wherever CH goes, he gets much attention. More so, some girls would take the opportunity to be with him even in public functions. The thing is, CH seems to welcome the zealous attention, and reciprocate as seen in his hugs in the photos (taken at a festival and at the height of the alleged relationship of CH and OD).

Is CH a gentleman for not refusing these girls, or is he a player who enjoys the flattery and the attention?

Now, if CH and OD seriously got together, would OD have survived and accepted that CH would always be mobbed, kissed, hugged, and pressed by other girls? Of course, CH would be very careful with how he reacts to the girls who would take advantage of his celebrity status and his youth. Naturally, if he declines the affection, he will be portrayed badly. If OD could accept all these fan reactions and the behavior of CH, would her parents take lightly this behavior towards CH? In putting her foot down towards CH, was OD's mother kind of vindicated?

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