IKEA - My Love/Hate Relationship

Morning All,

I am going quietly insane today - actually I do nothing quietly, I am partying like a freak. I woke up to discover that the lovely Mandy from Sugar Bee Crafts, had not only featured my Ruffle Scarf but that it was the most viewed link. To say I was pleasantly surprised, is the biggest understatement of the year. I have been reading her blog forever, long before I started blogging and I am just floored!


I truly feel that the lovely ladies from The Inspiration Cafe were the ones who made this happen.Without their offer to guest host, I would not have put my knitting on display.

Today you get to see the latest edition to the babies room.

When I showed you my toy box I mentioned that it was a great place to read, so you may have seen this one coming.

 Here is our Story Central.

If you follow me on Pinterest you may have seen me pin this Book Nook from Naptime Decorator.
I immediately fell in love with it and decided I must have one.

So a few weeks back we went for a trip to IKEA. Now I have an issue with IKEA, did you know that Australians pay more for IKEA products than anywhere else in the world? Well according to a recent survey which was discussed over at Apartment Therapy, we pay more than anyone else.

I can't begin to tell you how many times I've been skipping around blog land and there is a project with a $30 price tag, only to discover that the item alone will set me back $70, before doing anything else. Damn you IKEA and your fabulous storage.

So to my utter amazement, I discovered the one thing we pay less for - The Spice Rack! $2.49 here, $3.99 in the U.S., so for once, I wasn't cursing them all the way to the checkout!

Anyway enough griping here's how I put together Story Central.

Cardboard Letters
Assorted Scrapbook Paper
Ikea Spice Racks

First I glued ribbon onto the R. I saw this in blog land and can't find the original, so if you know where it comes from please let me know so I can give credit where it is due.

Then I punched out circles and hot glued them to the E.

For the A, I simply glued it on and cut it out, the middle bit left rough edges which made me a little sad, I think I need a new knife.

The D was done using the same method as my "Trash Chic" Vases. I mixed red and green glitter, have to say not overly impressed with the D but stayed with it anyway. It looks a little Christmasy

Hot glued them to the wall, and added the spice rack book cases. Now I know the Spice Rack to Book case has been done a million times, but let's face it, it's an awesome idea!

Finally, my little reading area.

DIY Delight or Disaster? Delight, I am really happy with the outcome. If there is anything I wish I had done differently it would be the D otherwise I'm really happy. The books have just added so much color to the wall.

I'm really disappointed with the photos, if you read along regularly  you know I'm not great with the camera, but this area is so much better in real life, it actually looks amazing. I have tried and tried to get a good shot but with no luck

I also have a very delighted 2 year old, she was quite excited by the books. Unfortunately, every time I add something to this wall she doesn't take a nap, she just jumps around in her cot talking (jabbering) and pointing to whatever has been added.

As for Max, he looked like this (rare snap of the boy looking clean and smiling. Sorry couldn't resist, I am a mother after all.)

I'm so close to finishing this room. I can't begin to tell you how much having the kids home has hampered the finishing date, a couple of things left before I can finally file this one away.

So what do you think, camera issues aside, delight or disaster?

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

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