The Tale of the Fake Hermes Bag

Once upon a time, a buyer bought this Hermes Birkin from a trusted store that sells second hand bags.  After  using the bag for quite some time, she wanted to send the bag to Hermes Paris for maintenance.  So, she brought the bag to Hermes Greenbelt which accepted it. As a local franchisee, Hermes Greenbelt was in charged of forwarding it to Hermes Paris. 

After a few months, this shocking letter came with the bag:

The bag is a counterfeit and it escaped the eyes of the people in Hermes Greenbelt.  I spoke to Dennis Robles, who is a trusted Hermes reseller about this and according to him, he knew immediately that it was a fake when he inspected the bag because of the stitching. 

May this be a big reminder to would-be buyers to be more vigilant in their purchases of pricey branded items. Always trust your intuition. When in doubt, it will not hurt to ask opinions from not just one, but at least two experts. 

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