Halloween is right around the corner and you might even be attending or hosting a party of your own in the next couple of weeks. Whatever you have planned you can make it a accident free and safe Halloween with just a little bit of common sense and planning ahead. Here are some simple tips for making it a great one.
- Do not leave burning candles unattended! If you are planning to light your Jack O' Lanterns with candles keep them away from curtains or any areas a kids costume might brush against it. Better yet, think about using a flameless candle!
- I'm sure we all had some fun with toilet paper and shaving cream when we were kids and as much fun as that looked back then it truly is considered vandalism. Talk to your kids about this before Halloween and let them know how serious charges for property destruction can be. Not everyone will think it's a funny Halloween prank.
- Planning on passing out candy Halloween night? Be sure to pick up any safety hazards around your yard and have a safely lit walkway. The child who might accidentally hurt themselves and their parents will thank you. I did this once when I was a kid. I slung myself around a wire coming off a pole because I couldn't see it and was sore for days. Plus, If other parents are anything like me we don't go up to poorly lit homes to trick or treat.
- Stay with your friends or group! If your children will be out trick or treating with other kids be sure they understand the importance of staying with their group and to never take shortcuts in alleys or backways. This as well means no going into strangers homes. My best suggestion, accompany your kids!!
- Pumpkin carving is one of the best things about Halloween. It can also be dangerous. There are all kinds of ways you can let your kids decorate pumpkins safely (felt pieces, markers, etc). If you plan to carve with knives just use common sense and watch your children.
What is your favorite thing about Halloween? What do you or your kids plan to be?
My fave thing about Halloween use to be all the fun decorating but now that my daughter is really into the trick or treating age it's watching her get all excited about it. She plans to be a vampire. We got the costume in the other day and it's gorgeous. I will be sure to post pictures afterwards. :)