Alpha Mail: restoring the balance

KT demonstrates that Game is not the sole province of bitter, middle-aged men of lower socio-sexual rank lamenting their past failures with women:
I have been thinking about some of your past posts at Alpha Game (the head scratchers, as I call them), and trying to reconcile them with some of the ideas that are floating around our culture presently.  Unfortunately as a female I can only understand Game's true nature from afar, but I have drawn some (hopefully accurate) conclusions about male/female interactions based on Game's definition.  I'm trying to add to my vocabulary! 

If Game acknowledges a hierarchy of men, then perhaps its corollary acknowledges a similar hierarchy for men and women?  The Bible is pretty clear (and the argument could be made for non-Christians also, but with different facts) about men being the dominant gender.  God simply made Adam before Eve.  Therefore men have the privileges and responsibilities of being the first born.  God further reinforced man's authority by creating the woman from man's own flesh.  Because God made the woman from Adam's body, she cannot possibly be superior to him because she is of the same substance as him.  Her existence is dependent upon his.  Incidentally, this premise is fundamentally different from those of the Gaia claque who loudly boast about their ability to give men life...but I digress....

If this is true, that there is a natural ranking among men and women, then Feminism is a pernicious evil lie.  If Feminism's purpose is to "reassert" woman's place in society as equal to, or in many cases, superior to men, women are taught to pursue what never was.  A gender utopia it would seem.  I think you have commented on this.  I believe it was you also who has stressed the point that women have never been "equal to" or "superior to" men in the past?  So what is it exactly that Feminism wants to restore?  A status that women never had?  Ever...?  In addition, I don't even really know how to define "equal to" or "superior to" without degrading either gender.  Language such as "superior" makes mortal enemies out of what God intended to be natural allies.  Adam & Eve being of one substance, one flesh, should have a natural affinity for one another and should co-exist peacefully and productively.  Feminism not only encourages, but commands women to lash out against the one God created to love and protect her.

To normal minds all of this is obvious.  Unfortunately dogma and popular culture interfere with what God considers normal....  But really what is perhaps saddest about this whole conundrum is woman's complicity in her own demise.  Fake (and sometimes legitimate) authority figures lie to her, and believing the lie she changes her behavior in ways that sabotage her life.  Her false views of men as oppressors and villains and rapists cause her to attack those whom she should embrace.  Men respond to these attacks and ironically become the diminutive partner in the relationship.  Maybe.  Yeah, I fear it is so, at least in some cases.  The other option is for men to respond to the negative stimuli and simply not play Game at all.  Why should he burn while women rage?  I guess that is why you started the Alpha Game blog.  If men would reassert their natural place in the gender hierarchy this nonsense would cease to exist.  And balance would be restored.
I found this email to be intriguing, less because it more or less concurs with some of the ideas I've presented in the past than as an example of the way in which a female mind processes information.  There is no hard and cold syllogistic analysis of the whole, but rather a sort of nibbling around the edges and trying the various concepts on for size to see how they feel.  This tends to indicate that it is repetitive rhetoric, rather than reason, that is the key to persuading women to change their minds.

The salient observation KT reaches concerns woman's complicity in her own demise.  That is the tragedy of feminism.  In attempting to construct an equality that is not only materially nonexistent, but not even possible in the abstract, feminists have managed to degrade both the sexes as well as threaten the existence of Western civilization by striking repeatedly at a number of its basic foundations, including, Christianity, male honor and responsibility, female fertility, and the sacrement of marriage.

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