I am thankful for...
My Lord... for he is in control and I trust in him
My good health... You never know what tomorrow will bring but today I'm thankful for living another day.
My husband and daughter.... They are my world and without them I wouldn't be me.
My extended family... My husband and I are both blessed to have such great parents who adore and cherish their children and grandchildren. We also have some pretty great brothers/aunts/uncles..etc :) I couldn't ask for a better family or inlaws.
My friends... They always had my back even when we live miles and states apart.
My 2 crazy dogs... Who have both loved me and been right by my side through the toughest times of my life.
Those who serve (military, police, fire, etc)... your sacrifice does not go unnoticed in this house.
My blog & YOU... I have had so much fun this past year and all you guys are great.
Being a stay at home parent... I am blessed! Having this opportunity has allowed me to spend precious time with my always growing daughter and the ability to pursue my own goals.
Being financially secure... We aren't rich but we have what we need and then some.
Being an American... Our country may not be perfect but I love it just the same.
Facebook... It sounds silly but It has allowed me to stay in touch with all of my great friends.
The hard times... Another one that sounds silly but the hard times have made me stronger. It also makes the good times that much better.
Hope... that tomorrow will be better for those who struggle today.
What are you thankful for?

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