Ho Ho Holiday Giveaway!! {CLOSED}

What would the holidays be without a giveaway?
So in honor of Thanksgiving & Christmas, here is a little something for This Girls Life readers (well if you are within the United States that is...)

**Sorry for my international readers but my blogiversary is just a couple months away (January) and I will be having a huge giveaway that will be open to all you lovely people as well.**

Here is what you can win!
3 month Beauty Army subscription

If you haven't tried out Beauty Army and have been thinking about it here is the perfect chance to give it a try for free. If you are signed up for Beauty Army then 3 months free is always a plus as well. :)


How do you enter?
* Be a GFC follower.
* Comment with your GFC name, email and your favorite thing about the holidays.

The two rules above will be your main entry into the giveaway. You are eligible to win extra entries by doing one or more of the following:
  1. Follow me on Pinterest, then leave me a comment with your pinterest name.
  2. Re-post this giveaway on your blog, then leave me a comment with the link.
  3. Tweet this giveaway, then leave me a comment with the link.

This giveaway will be running for a month so you have a few weeks to get your entries in. I will announce the winner on December 10th, drawn randomly by random.org.

Good Luck!!
**this giveaway is in no way sponsored by Beauty Army, subscription is paid for by my own money**

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