But never the less, these moments will always remind me that I should keep myself healthy MY OWN WAY. With all the unpredictable weather, new diseases, infections; I feel a lot more will come this 2013. I know little much about medical terms but what I know is obvious to everyone, vitamin C is the best booster for your immune system. Right? Weak immune system = prone to contagious diseases = getting sick.
A recommended dose of Vitamin C intake daily is 500mg. You can get this from eating 11 medium-sized lemons or 8 oranges, another is 4 large sized pomelos. Would you have these fruits daily? 4 large pomelos a day? You gotta be kidding me. I’d be lucky not to stop over to the nearest comfort room on my way to work. I’m not into popping pills either. Good thing there’s another alternative way of consuming vitamin C and that is through Oishi’s SMART C+ juice drink.
I received a box of Smart C+ few days ago, I like how they presented each of the 7 bottles in a cabinet like shelves. It says there, “don’t forget your daily dose of Vitamin”. For every shelf, the days of the week is written.
The 500ml juice drink contains 500mg of Vitamin C with no added preservatives, no artificial color and no artificial sweetener. It comes with 3 flavors: Lemon Squeeze, Pomelo Grapefruit and Orange Crush. What I love about SMART C+ is that it’s a fun way of drinking your way to good health and away from bad days. Bottoms up to that!
Slater Smart C – TVC : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOQddLRs6LA