You Cannot Leave!

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How does one talent transfer to another network without ruffling the feathers of the management? Of the number of stars or former stars who made the network move, majority of the movers felt the backlash a few days after the formal announcement of their transfer. Take the case of singer actress (SA). Immediately after her move, she was lambasted with accusations of moving for money and ridiculed for a fading career. The same accusations were thrown at the hunk actor (HA) who decided not to renew his contract because he wanted to explore his options as a host of sports shows. It was not about the money, he firmly said. Another actress (AA) was able to move networks but her home studio felt she did a fast one since the head of the talent department was not around when she changed loyalties. Now, AA is homeless and her former home studio is not keen to get her back.

Now comes the case of the young actress (YA) who was said to be moving to a rival network where her rumoured boyfriend is one of the prized talents. YA became a household name because she was part of the elite emerging talents of her network. She had her appearances in teleseryes, and even in movies. In fact, she even appeared in some productions outside her network. Then, sometime ago, her transfer became the highlight of a few entertainment stories. The angle of the story is that her eventual transfer might cause chaos to the loveteam of her rumoured boyfriend. Her new manager assured that no such thing would happen.

Months have passed and nothing has been heard of the transfer of YA. Well, her management stepped into the picture and placed her on hold because the news of her intended transfer generated too much publicity. In short, YA got suspended. Until when? Well, perhaps when her network feels its time she could be released, or perhaps, when legally, she could leave. Sometimes, it does pay to stay quiet until every detail has been ironed out. Although YA is not really a big star compared to other talents in her network of the same calibre, why cannot the network release her smoothly? Is her management seeing a loss as she is quite talented, beautiful, and attractive? Or is the management simply being whimsical because she’s homegrown? Regardless of whatever is the reason for her hold, the network might be depriving YA of her living and it would not be fair for someone who wants to explore other venues at the risk of her career.

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