5 Wishes and See You Next Year.

Well I'm wrapping up for the year, the kids have finished their school year and you know what that means, my days just got a whole lot busier! So I thought I would end the year with a little fun.

Leslie over at Violet Imperfection tagged me in a little game where you announce your top 5 wishes. I won't be tagging anyone, mainly because I feel uncomfortable doing that, but if you want to do it let me know so I can check it out.

1. I wish that during the upcoming holidays the kids don't spend 80% of their time either arguing or asking for food. (All the stories about teen boys and their appetites are true!) if you're wondering about the rest of the time, 10% is spent sleeping and the last 10% they probably will be fine.

2. New episodes of SCRUBS would be made.

3. Santa would leave a hot pink Prada bag under the tree.

4. A magic bar of chocolate that actually shed kilograms

5. A trip around the world so I could actually see all the awesome bloggers I have been so lucky to meet online.

Now I know I probably should have wished for world peace but I'll leave that to the Miss World contestants, besides I'd prefer world domination - because I'm a bossy control freak!

Merry Christmas everyone, have a happy and safe New Year and I will return in 2013,back to doing the house with more delights and most likely, plenty more disasters!

Thanks for making my first few months of blogging an absolute riot, laughing with me and cheering me on, you're all amazing friends and I am truly blessed to have found you. (I think I might even be tearing up a little, it better be PMS or else I can forget about the whole world domination thing ever happening)

Mel xo

Ps I will be on Facebook and checking my email if you want  to chat.

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