Going Beyond Help

Image courtesy of www.kotobooks.com

While much has been written about this Intense Actor (IA) succumbing to his old habits, have people done enough to help IA get out of his struggle? A few days ago, at his new network's party, showbiz was rocked with another incident of IA’s notorious drunkenness. At the event, alcohol flowed freely, of course. IA, who after undergoing rehabilitation for months and promised on television that he would reform, could not help himself. What was worse was the alleged story that IA actually brought his own stash at the party. To review the events, IA in his drunkenness turns into his Jekyll mode and reacts regardless of who gets hurt. He stole a kiss from a socialite/TV host (SH), then calls “cheap” and threatens to hurt well-loved beki personality (BP), and even challenged a young dramatic actor of the network.

Of course, the three did not want to let the incident pass, but they knew better than to argue with a drunk. Moreover, a few weeks ago, his family has appealed for understanding as IA is also suffering from bipolarism. IA was lucky that the boyfriend of SH was not around or else, there might have been an unwanted confrontation. After cooler heads intervened, IA realized what he did was wrong and apologized to the three. Then, in an interview regarding the incident, IA denied of any wrongdoing in the event. However, instead of fanning the flame again, the three continued to forgive IA.

It is sad that IA, who happens to be one of the most talented and versatile actors of his generation, could not seem to rise above his struggles. After his personal tragedies that came one after the other, he has allowed himself to be defeated again. What could really be troubling IA all these years? Lately, stories about his behaviour are coming out as speculations. The most surprising story is that he was allegedly taken advantage of while he was languishing in jail sometime ago. Of course, no one will talk about this allegation as what happens in jail, stays in there.

The only thing IA definitely loves is his career, but if he refuses to accept that his alcoholism is his big problem, he might lose that as well. Although the industry can be forgiving, it can only take so much. One word from management, and IA can just disappear into oblivion. He needs to face his problems head on, accept his losses, and cut clean. At the rate he's going, his reputation is already deplorable and pitiful.

Only a few actors have sunk so low and made successful comebacks. One is now a politician, another is the premier dramatic actress, and a comedian turned versatile actress. They have revelled in their lives, until they realized that taxes, bankruptcy, alcohol, gambling, and drugs have consumed them. Then, they woke up with the help of people who dared to believe in them at the lowest point of their lives. The rest, like IA, need people who will continue to have faith in them, but before looking for others, IA should look into himself first.

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