Teach Me How to Act!

Image courtesy of www.actx.edu

A pretty actress PA was said to have flared up while shooting for her latest tv commercial. She was behaving badly like arriving very late in the shoot, as in 3 hours late! But that is not to be the gist of the story -- rather it was when she staged a walkout right in the middle of the shoot!

PA's latest endorsement is a beauty product. Shoot for its tv commercial (tvc) was set for two days. On those days, she would often come in late, and not in her best element. Of course, PA's demeanor took a toll not only on the project's logistics, but on the entire production as well. PA's every scene took several takes that stretched shooting time far too long, but not on her patience. She blew her top in the middle of the shoot, questioning everyone involved why the hell she had to do so many retakes of a scene.

Until she could no longer take it, went berserk and screamed (in tagalog) for all to hear, "I am not dumb! Do not make me dumb! I was a child star, been in this business far too long than anyone of you! We have done 25 retakes already for this one scene alone! This is stupid!"

All those present were horrified and panicked. And who wouldn't? The clients who were all foreigners were present in the shoot and witnessed all the commotion.

The feisty PA angrily added, " Tell those foreigners out there to come over here and make them do it infront of me! And be the one to teach me how to act! "

The poor staff wouldn't know what to do, and pleaded with PA that they had no choice but to do some more retakes, to the clients' satisfaction. It was then that PA walked out and left the set without a word. The horrified staff called PA's handler to get to her asap. The client was furious and threatened that if PA would not return, they will have to answer for everything and be made to pay for all the costs. Indeed, what PA did was a major production nightmare.

People are puzzled at her though. Not too long ago, she was a girl proclaiming to one and all how perfectly in love she was -- a walking doll in bloom. Then this?

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