The Hot Chicks Club

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There are four pretty socialites, who are all part of Manila’s richest. Theirs maybe the life any girl may wish for -- the most expensive shoes, high-end designer bags, chauffeured cars and fabulous parties -- but behind the glitz and glamour are the struggles and differences that they are going through in their respective lives.

The spoiled-rich girl (SG) is such a bossy brat and often clashes with her closest friends. She's kind of bitchy, doesn't watch her words and whatever she does she always wants the media to be present for exposure. In a recent event, SG did her best to appear in a protest action because media was there covering it. She really is publicity hungry who wants everything magnified.

SG is friends with the daughter of an ex-politician (DP) whose assets were frozen, is still in denial and desperately wants to belong to the upper class society. How can she afford the luxuries in life she was so used to? And how long will she be able to cover-up her real financial status since she’s claiming that she’s still part of Manila’s elite?

And the last two are these daughters of former beauty queens who have had a long-standing unfriendly competition. Their interest seem to always intertwine. One of them (DQ1) was spotted at the Polo Club dating an all-around guy employee (GE) of the said exclusive establishment. But just very recently, it was (DQ2) who was spotted having a date with (GE). Do these girls prefer to risk everything, including their riches and reputation, not to mention the wrath of their parents for a guy like GE? Is GE into a win-win game, capitalizing on his looks to fish two lovely girls?

Well then...let's wait and see.

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Life is just not fair.

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