Allowing Real-Life Issues to Prevail

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At the shooting of a movie starring two controversial female leads, FL1 and FL2 seemed to have behind-the-scenes issues. According to the grapevine, FL1 and FL2 were never really drawn to each other, even before and while filming the movie. During the shoot, both were said to be acting like brats. But between the two, it was FL2's behavior which was more tolerable for the crew. FL1 was the brattier, or bitchier one. However, both did not allow their feelings (initially) to get in the way of their project. In short, both FL1 and FL2 were kind of civil to one another.

However, as the shooting progressed - especially during highly emotional scenes, FL1 and FL2's acting were getting more intense with each other -- the cat fight scenes, that is. Some people in the production couldn't help but noticed - that something not nice was going on between the two. Such that in some heavy scenes, it appeared like they were not acting at all. The slapping and hair-pulling scenes looked real that hurt the both of them.

Initially, it was FL2 who noticed that FL1 looked like she was doing it intentionally (or personally) to her, as in FL1 was physically hurting her already. And after each take, even though FL1 knew that FL2 got hurt because of her, she didn't apologize, which irked FL2, naturally.

But the fiery FL2 was not to be outdone. She felt she had to do counter-attack - to make her feel better, at least. So in the succeeding scenes, she went gaga over FL1 in their "cat fight scenes." The verbal and physical encounter were so real that it almost looked like a showdown. But FL1 did just let it pass up, such that she too, retaliated.

Yes, your guess is as good as mine - the drama became a free-for-all. Can you identify them?

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