Current Loves: January Favorites

I have been rocking this collared shirt under a sweater look a lot this winter. I love it because it is super comfy yet not to dressed down. I like it with rolled up pants like The Pleated Poppy did here or even with tall boots as well. I think I will be sporting this style on into Spring as well so I definitely need to be on the hunt for bright punchy sweaters like this tangerine one.


I love Flashpoint so you can imagine my disappointment to know that the series has ended. I literally just watched the last episode last night and it was so good. I hate how when stations take shows off the air and just leave them hanging. As sad as I am to see it go at least they finished it out. I won't throw in any spoilers just in case you watch and haven't seen the last episode. I'm not sure that it has actually aired here in the US or not but you can find it on YouTube.
I have been craving organization. I think a New Year always makes me want to get organized and this New Year has been no exception. I have been knocking out all the areas on my 6 weeks to a decluttered home and loving it. I have even gone back to a couple of areas where I said "oh yeah I'll just keep that" and gotten rid of it anyways. If I don't use it then it shouldn't be in my home right? After I get done cleaning out I need to go back and make everything pretty like this organized closet below.

Taylor Swift : I Knew You Were Trouble
OK, I'm not a huge fan of Taylor or even country for that matter but my daughter loves this song. She goes around singing it all the time, especially the trouble trouble trouble part so it has been playing around here A LOT. OK, so it is kind of catchy. ;) Anyone else get the feeling that she jacked the first part from Twilight?

I have been pinning a lot of inspiration for my daughter's room lately. It is the project other than Operation Live Simple that I have been working on currently. I love this colorful gallery wall. I definitely want to do something like this in her room. I just need to go hunt up some funky frames. Pinning has become a nightly ritual for me. haha! If you want to follow me you can find my pinterest here.

Another one of my nightly rituals is reading. If it is a good book I have been known to stay up till the wee hours of the morning, despite regretting it when the sun comes up. I have probably read 10 books since January started. One of the most recent books I finished was called Chasing Nikki, you can get the kindle edition free if you are interested in reading it. It is a romantic angst type book. It was a pretty good read, especially for free. They have part 2 called Finding Chase but I've yet to pick that one up.
Chasing Nikki (Chasing Nikki, #1)

What are some of your current loves?
Note: I'm tinkering with my blog layout/design so if you see things changing over the next few days no worries. :)
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