Lack of RapportBy the time a relationship reaches this point, most men panic and revert to full supplication mode, which only guarantees humiliation as well as increasing the chance that the relationship will collapse. Athol Kay's program of steady self-improvement is the only real means of increasing the odds of reversing the pattern; appeals to historical commitment, past emotions, and religious principles are proven to be of little value in this regard.
She’s stopped asking you questions.
She’s stopped sharing details of her day.
Everything she declares seems crafted to be maximally antagonistic to your beliefs and values.
Lack of Attraction
She’s stopped having sex with you.
She’ll take any excuse to denigrate you.
She winces when you touch her.
Declining interest and intimacy
Roissy distinguishes between the two while providing a list of clues that your wife or girlfriend is in the process of bringing the relationship to its end.