His Loss, His Gain

Image courtesy of www.datpiff.com

It is common knowledge to some showbiz insiders and followers that Pretty Boy PB had a brief relationship with Pretty Girl PG when he was just an upstart in the industry. It was on the set of PG's soap that also starred PB that their relationship bloomed.

However, both denied having something special other than friendship. But such declarations belied the frequent sightings of them together -- on dinner dates, movies, out-of-town trips and the like. Although brief, their relationship had somehow brought realizations, especially for PB. It was alleged that it was he who decided to call it quits with PG. Why? This the story:

In one of the network events, both PB and PG were being made-up in the same dressing room. As such, there would always be continuous banter and chat to keep themselves awake and energized for their assigned performances. PB and PG's topic at that time was about their respective careers, and their commitment to really succeed and make it big in the industry. It was at this point when PG was overheard telling/ and or advising PB on how to take the shorter route to get there.

PG: If I were you, I will initiate to have a fling with a gay executive so that you will always have good projects and be given special treatment and perks. You know, it's about being smart.

PB was floored, he didn't expect something so vulgar to come from PG . To him, it was so crass knowing that they were in a relationship together. It dawned on him that prolonging his affair with her  would be counter-productive. He believed he would not grow with a woman who instead of being beautifully inspired, he would end up badly influenced.

"Nothing more surely cultivates and embellishes a man than association with refined and virtuous women."  Gladstone.

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