I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! I have thoroughly enjoyed my little blogging break, I really enjoyed just spending some time with the family!
I wish I could say that I was now all set and ready to go for 2013, because that was what I had planned to tell you all, but let's be honest - It aint me! I've always been a last minute panic/crammer, as I always say to my kids, be who you are and just own it. So I officially suck at being prepared and I'm okay with it!
Next up and way more exciting, if you follow me on Facebook, you will already know that I am joining the lovely Ladies of the Inspiration Cafe . As you know I have done a couple of guest posts over there and it's always a lot of fun. If you haven't been by the cafe, basically it's 6 bloggers who share tips tricks and tutorials on well, just about anything from food, to crafts, home decor. It's also a great place to start if you're looking to do a guest post or would like to introduce yourself and your blog.
So what I have I been up to? Well the hubs wanted to show me a swimming spot he loved as a kid - after all these years I was a little concerned, when I kept passing these signs
But we did end up on the most gorgeous beach and I almost stood on this little guy, although I'm not sure what it is.
Of course there was Christmas, which turned out to be a perfect day, Madeleine got a little sand pit and I caught this snap as she was contemplating whether to throw the sand at me or not. Excuse the outfit, she was still in her nightie, and also very excited to have her own sunglasses!
While Max enjoyed the paper
As we hosted Christmas lunch, Samuel helped with the cooking
And we did remove the spare clothes line so our guests weren't dodging pegs during lunch
Elizabeth decided she wanted to go for a glamorous look
Then my genes kicked in and she looked like this!
While Jack was just happy to have his own mug, he's very easily pleased (actually he's so quiet I didn't realize this was the only snap I got of him all day, my bad!)
That pretty much wraps up the holidays, now I'm back and ready to get into the house, I will be a little sporadic over the next few weeks while the kids are still on holidays but since many of you weren't around for the beginning, I may re share what I'm working with.
How were your holidays? Feeling good about starting the New Year?
Thanks for reading,
Mel xo