Letter from a Reader: The Rough Gesture of the Popular Actress

                                      Image courtesy of www.marketplace.secondlife.com

Dear Fashion PULIS,

Hi FP! I just recently discovered your blog and loved it to bits since. I check your blog every so often and it has been a routine already after work. Anyway, I was "reviewing" some of your old BI's when I chanced upon a BI about a celebrity who cancelled her visit to an ill patient just because news coverage wasn't available. I think I know who she is. And just then I remembered a personal encounter I had with this popular actress.

I live in a part of Quezon City where a lot of tv shows were shot at. Our place has this provincial feel that many producers choose it for their location shoot instead of going out of town that would entail higher production costs.

Until one day, news came around that this certain popular actress PA would be in our area to shoot her teleserye. it was PA's first time to be spotted in our place. It was around 1 or 2am already when I heard noises right outside our house. I was still up doing work in my room. My 3-year old daughter who is an avid fan of PA's teleserye refused to go to bed because she was hoping to see her. When PA finally arrived, my daughter kept on asking me if we could go out to see her.

I was still so busy then so I just opened the window so she could peek through it to get a glimpse of her. PA was at the sidewalk right in front of our window getting her makeup retouched while the crew got everything set up.

My daughter excitedly began calling her by her character's name. I was just watching from my desk. She called her several times. I didn't know if PA was acting deaf or not, but it looked like she pretended not to hear my daughter calling her.

I was going to shut the window because my daughter was starting to be really noisy and it was the wee hours already. That was when I saw PA's makeup artist pointed at us, probably informing PA that a kid (who is an avid fan) has been calling her name repeatedly.

I thought PA was going to give my daughter a consolatory wave, or a smile or nod, at least. I was shocked when PA glared at us and made a face! She stuck her tongue out to my then 3-year old kid with matching "beh-buti-nga" hand gesture.I was so mad and annoyed that I closed our window with a loud bang! My daughter cried because of what she did.

I find PA really beautiful but her attitude really sucks! And this is no made up story. This is my personal experience which I always remember whenever I see her "having fun with kids."

I don't know if this story is something worth-publishing. I just want to share this to you FP. I feel like you're a friend to me already that I could confide to. :) Thank you FP for the time! More power!

Your avid follower,
Mary Lou

"Everything you say and do to a child is absorbed, catalogued and remembered."

Note: Letter is edited for brevity

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