Not a Beautiful Judgment

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A beautiful teleserye started to air starring two of the network's most bankable stars -- Bankable Actor BA and pretty actress. Everybody's expectation was so high for this much-awaited team up. It was a very encouraging working environment in the beginning. On the set, everyone was supportive of each other -- the crew, staff, the talents. And why not? They were enjoying pretty good ratings. Suddenly, things turned for the worse. BA's behavior had become erratic and counter-productive for the show to continue effectively and productively. People wondered what had become of him. Has his passion for his craft gone? Has he become jaded and no longer find his craft challenging enough? What gives?

BA's unprofessionalisnm has taken a big toll on the 4th week of the show's airing. The staff and crew, the whole production team PT for that matter no longer had that encouraging spirit to do their best for the show. There was one taping for airing episode (meaning taping today, airing tomorrow) but BA was nowhere to be found. As a consequence, the script had to be revised at the last minute to suit the needs at that point, so that taping wouldn't be packed up and substantial losses incurred.

Everything became a mess and chaotic that brought a lot of difficulties for the the show and the production. It came to a point that the scriptwriter would just call the executive producer EP and scripts that were handwritten were given to the stars -- that was just so weird. Things were so out of hand, that the director had to approach BA's friends to request them to help put some sense into BA's head so that he would cooperate and spare the show from eventual demise. But it was futile. BA was just so disconnected.

Suddenly, BA's passion was no longer there, his behavior rubbed off on the entire PT. They were demoralized. Stars were mad. BA was uncontrollable. There was inefficiency all over. What a perfect recipe for disaster! Result? No Rating! PT already gave up and accepted their fate. Right now, they only continue to work just to get it over and done with. They are helpless, even had to cover up for the lead actor that caused it all -- and why? Because he is perceived as a network gem (sic).

BA has slowly but surely made a name for himself as a gifted and versatile actor. All that he is now, he earned through hard work. Guess it's never too late to reform. Move now. Be a gem, not a potential goner.

"You will never appreciate what you have until you lose it."

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