Last Friday I mentioned my 13 Projects for 2013 and Operation Live Simple is my way of accomplishing number 6. Just for a little refresher, project #6 was live with what I love and purge the rest. Last night I took a few minutes and jotted down, because lists are my thing, all the areas of each room that I would like to organize and purge. Every other Saturday (starting Saturday January 26th) I will be blogging about my progress and hopefully you will decide to join me with Operation Live Simple and do your own decluttering of your home and life. It doesn't matter if it takes you 1 week, 6 weeks, or longer just live with what you love. I'm giving myself 6 weeks because I have 34 areas I want to declutter. If I did one area a day I could technically declutter everything in just over a month but lets get real, I won't be decluttering everyday. We all still have daily and weekly chores to accomplish so baby steps here folks, baby steps. ;)
Reduce the amount of stuff you have in your home and life.
How To:
Ask yourself 3 questions for each item!
(yes, you will be going through every single item you have in your home during the next 6 weeks or however long you need)
1. Have I used this item recently?
(If it's seasonal, did you use it last season or holiday?)
2. Does this item have a place in my home.
(some items are decorative and don't really get used but it has a place)
If something constantly gets moved around think about how much you really like that item.
3. Do I love this item?
(some items have uses but may not be your style or your style has changed)
If you can answer 'yes' to all of these questions then clearly the item belongs in your life. If you are unsure about any items set them aside in a box for a month. If they make there way out of the box then keep them and if they don't it's time to donate.
If you would like to join me in Operation Live Simple but need a little guide to getting started these are my purging areas for the next six weeks.
Week 1:
Monday: Laundry Area
Tuesday: Pantry Area
Wednesday: Refrigerator & Countertops
Thursday: Kitchen Island
Friday: All Bottom Kitchen Cabinets
Week 2:
Monday: All Top Kitchen Cabinets
Tuesday: China Cabinet
Wednesday: Medicine Cabinet
Thursday: Bathroom Cabinet & Shower Area
Friday: Living Room TV Console
Week 3:
Monday: Electronics Cabinet
Tuesday: Sofa Table & Entryway Storage Area
Wednesday: Coat Closet
Thursday: Hallway Closets # 1&2
Friday: Hallway Closet # 3
Week 4:
Monday: Office Bookcases
Tuesday: Office Closet
Wednesday: Coupon Binder & Anna's Area in Office
Thursday: Hallway Closet #4
Friday: Anna's Dresser
Week 5:
Monday: Anna's Closet
Tuesday: Toy Box
Wednesday: Anna's Desk Area
Thursday: M. Bedroom Closet
Friday: M. Bedroom Dresser & Under Bed
Week 6:
Monday: Makeup & Beauty Cabinet
Tuesday: Jewelry Cabinet
Wednesday: Garage Storage Area
Thursday: Garage Shelves/Tools/Wood
Friday: Around Yard & Vehicles