The Emerging Monster

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Time and again, showbiz industry will never be bereft of swell-headed stars, those with over-sized ego, so full of themselves, that no one else matters but them. The descriptions fit the term that is specially coined for them -- monster.

This Celebrity Host CH  seems so overwhelmed getting the big breaks too much too soon. Having attained a certain level of prominence, CH is always conscious and protective of his status. He is fully aware how obnoxious he is to most of his followers and co-workers -- yet he seems to enjoy such image, and always on the defensive when he has to. His success has definitely gone to his head, quickly learning how to make demands, and consequently making life difficult for people he works for.

At a production meeting for his Show SW recently, CH aired out his hard feelings towards SW's Production team SWP. He questioned why he is made to wear cheap outfits that make him look funny and awkward. He complained not realizing that his comedy skits would look weird with him in pricey, normal outfits. Add to that the fact that it would be a difficult request for the SWP to provide, given the wardrobe budget that they have to adhere to. Something that CH knew very well.

CH also raised issues like why his SW family doesn't support his concerts and movie premiere nights, even comparing himself with a co-host who SW has been giving consistent support to. CH insinuated that his Other Show OW family is so supportive of him, wishing that SW would extend the same kind of support to him. One SWP reasoned out that they find him intimidating, and that there's no way they could go to his concerts when CH would not even extend personal invitations to them. SWP added further that how could OW  not go to his movie premiere nights when they are the very people behind those movies. CH was tonque-tied with that rebuttal.

To his SW family, CH has quickly evolved into an incurable airhead, who's agenda will be about himself and his interests...always. He wants to be treated with kid gloves at all times, and given preferential treatment, much like the other big stars of the network who were way established and home-grown, years before CH even struck into showbiz consciousness.

Amids all those, little did everyone know that they would be in for a major shock.

Weeks ago, CH expressed his biggest scare. He feared the big possibility that his record-breaking solo movie would be eclipsed and dethroned by the returns of his Latest Movie LM where he was just one of the stars. CH got so affected that he was overheard telling people not to watch LM anymore -- for very obvious reasons. People were shocked to hear that CH would go so low and make such insensitive statements just so he could entrench himself, even at the cost of his friendship which the public thought was genuine.

Question: How will CH's bff's in LM react to this massive insecurity?

"Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, and riches take wings. Only one thing endures, and that is character." Horace Greeley

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