The hamster quit running

Danny has an amusing post on providing a woman with a useful wakeup call:
I asked her what made her think I’d be interested in being with her. Her hamster replied-
“Well, you’ve always had a thing for me.”

I told her I don’t recall ever having a thing for her, and if I did it was back in 2004 (it was 2010 at the time). She seemed dumbfounded. The hamster quit running and went and took a shit in the corner. 

This woman is a CLASSIC example of a woman hitting the wall. She spent her early years in the navy, got out and focused on her career then found out they don’t hand out husbands, and her hypergamous ass wasn’t attractive to the men in her dating pool that were pulling 22 year olds.

She was invisible to men.  She was simply a “co-worker”, the competition. She was no longer the “hot girl” in the office. Men quit flirting with her lest they suffer a sexual harassment suit. She called me out of the blue. She gave me the standard, “why can’t I find a BF. “I have a great job, make great money, I’m well-educated, I’ve travelled. What’s wrong with me.” 

My answer was simply: “The problem is you need to find a GF. Men don’t give a fuck about any of the crap you listed. I’m more attracted to the chick serving me fries at my burger place than a 30-year old business women.”
That's the fact.  Looking back, it never occurred to me that I ought to keep dating the daughter of one of America's most famous Fortune 500 CEOs at the time because it would be of material advantage to me.  I dumped her for a stripper who didn't graduate from high school and was living on her own at 17.  It never even crossed my mind that I should be attracted to the daughter of an even more famous CEO simply because her daddy was wealthy and on the cover of Forbes and Fortune.

I'm not saying there aren't mercenaries and male gold diggers out there, but the point is that they are not SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to the female trappings of what is more properly considered male success.  It's rather like men wondering why women aren't attracted to how nice they look in a dress and makeup.  It doesn't matter how pretty he looks, it's not going to do anything for the average woman, in fact, it's probably going to turn her off.

Women sexually respond to money and status.  They don't just find them to be signals, they will literally get wet at the sight of sufficiently impressive cars and houses.  I've seen it happen.  There is nothing wrong with that, but the problem is that very few of them understand that men do not do so.

Not all men understand the score either, but some do.  Back in the early 90's, there was a guy who drove a Ferrari around Minneapolis with the license plate GOTUWET.  (No, that wasn't me, I drove a Porsche with 2GQ4U.)*  And the thing is, for all the eye-rolling and protestations it inspired, there is absolutely no question that it did exactly what it promised.  Not on every woman who saw it, but certainly more than were required.

I should also point out that "I'm well-traveled" is an extraordinarily unwise point for a woman to use to market herself.  The average American man tends to hear that as "I've been sexually penetrated in various European capitals by swarthy, effete foreigners.  Fake a French accent, buy me an expensive glass of wine and I'll be on my back within an hour."  Think about it; any man to whom that might theoretically appeal has probably been abroad himself and knows perfectly well how the girls in his study program were spending their evenings.

* Just kidding.  About the license plate.

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