Tip Tuesday: Weight Loss Tips: Part 1: The Golden Rules

Back in September when I hit my big 3-0 I told myself that this time next year (meaning when my birthday rolls around again) I will have gotten back to where I want to be weight wise. Well, lets just say that I've made less than stellar progress in those 3 months since then. :/ I think the end of the year is the worst time to start trying though. The holidays are always a bust unless you have already motivated yourself to stick to a routine and I certainly wasn't there. Those are all excuses but they are somewhat true. haha! It is a new year and I have just under 9 months to get me there. I have done this before. After I had my daughter I lost 40lbs and felt great so I know I have the motivation and drive to do it. The hardest part truly is getting started and making it your routine. If you are wanting to get fit in the New Year then hopefully these tips in the coming weeks will come in handy.

The Golden Rules of weight loss!
  • Losing weight isn't about just changing your eating habits and exercising habits for the amount of time it takes you to loss. It is about changing your lifestyle permanently otherwise the cycle is always up/down, up/down.

  • Don't skip meals! You won't loss weight just because you didn't eat. Your body will just hold on to your fat when it thinks you are starving itself. It also makes you eat more unhealthy things if you skip meals.

  • Don't grocery shop hungry. When you are hungry you tend to make impulse buys which leads to having a bag of chips, cookies, and soda at home that you never intended to get.

  • Do shorter exercises daily instead of long exercises every few days, it's more effective in the long run.

  • Going along with the don't skip meals is don't eat too little. NEVER have less than 1200 calories. It slows down your metabolism and the one thing to losing weight healthily is having a good metabolism.

  • An ideal weight loss weekly is 1 to 2 1/2 lbs a week. If you are losing it faster than that you need to reevaluate the ways you are losing the weight and if it is healthy. *note* your first week or two of weight loss tends to be more and that's ok as well the more you have to loss can also relate to whether you loss more weekly. An avg amount though should be 1 to 2 1/2 lbs a week.

  • Dieting alone isn't enough, exercise is also key to getting you fit and toned.

  • You don't have to cut out foods you love all together just because they may not be the best for you. Moderation is key!!

  • Did you slip up and eat something bad today. It's not the end all to your weight loss plan and you don't have to blow your whole day. Make better choices at your next meal and move on.

  • Pick a weigh in day and weigh yourself ONCE a week not daily. Your weight WILL fluctuate from day to day. You set yourself up for failure when you see the scale up and down. A good start day and weigh in day I always liked was Wednesdays. It is in the middle of the week so if I stumble on the weekend I have a few days to make up for it. ;)

Are you looking to get fit in 2013?

I'm officially starting again tomorrow and plan to do a weigh in Wednesday here on the blog every first Wednesday of the month. You don't have to tell your actual weight, just how much you lost over the course of that month and how you have been doing with eating and exercising. Hopefully we can help each other stay motivated to continue on each month. :) Feel free to comment with your email address if you would like to be reminded when I post the Weigh In Wednesday post each month.

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